Easy Installation, Planning and Record Keeping With AutoTile®
Can be done ahead of time with an ATV, or at the time of installation with the tile plow utilizing RTK GPS. Collect surveys by driving over the path where tile needs to be placed to collect the surface elevation.
Enter the desired minimum/maximum and target depths, as well as the minimum grade to drain excess water from the field. This can be done in the field or with the SMS™ Advanced Water Management Module.
Use the plan you created to install tile using AutoTile® to adjust the depth of the plow automatically. You can also use Grade control or Pitch control modes as needed.
Grade Control
If you have used lasers in the past to install tile, Grade Control allows you to install in a similar way using GPS rather than lasers. This mode allows you to set the desired grade to install tile. If needed, you can also use grade breaks to shallow up but keep the same grade.
Pitch Control
If your RTK GPS signal is lost, use Pitch Control mode (with a pitch plow) to finish the run. This mode uses the pitch sensor in the Water Management Module to guide the plow at a specific pitch. This mode is intended to keep you at your desired pitch in case of a lost signal but is not meant for large scale installs.